My Approach
As an Integrative Body Psychotherapist, my goal is to tap into the innate wisdom of the body to liberate human potential. I do this by incorporating the breath and the body in addition to talk therapy. Breathing is connected to development and it is the way back to contact and intimacy with yourself.
The body is a container for emotional experiences. These experiences become memories that are stored in our tissues. For every insight one has, there is a home in the body where that truth lives. For example, some people might experience anxiety as a tightening sensation in their chest, whereas for others it’s a knot in their stomach.
Young children develop coping mechanisms to protect themselves from emotions that feel too big or intolerable. Most people believe their survival mechanisms are who they are. By identifying and recognizing old survival mechanisms, we release the hold they have on us and reconnect with our authentic self.
Together we will…
Identify your old disruptive, triggering patterns that cause you to lose your sense of well–being.
Make sense of your early experiences so you understand how beliefs you carry from your past color your world and relationships today.
Use the breath to balance your nervous system and release habitual holding patterns so that you have a deeper more authentic experience of yourself.
I will help and teach you to heal your injuries from the past that get activated in the present. This builds resilience and new neural pathways, instilling a body sense of well-being and creating deep and lasting transformation.
“Beth is a brilliant therapist. She taught me to lovingly reparent myself.”
— S.R.
Interview by Debi Carlin Boyle - BalancedLife
Beth Bardovi, Certified Integrative Body Psychotherapist and Teacher & Margie Gayle, Certified Practitioner and Teacher of Integrative Psychotherapy discuss the ways we can find our inner strength from old emotional injuries stored in our body through profound little messages that can literally save our life.
Cutting Edge Conscious Radio Program
“Barnet and Sandy get personal in this wonderful conversation with Beth Bardovi. Overreactions are generally about ghosts from our past. Trauma and difficult memories are stored in our body. The challenge is that our mind doesn’t always translate past experiences well. If we can directly relate to the sensations that arise in our body, when we get triggered, without creating a story or explanation in our mind, we can more effectively manage and release the energy.”
Interview by Sarah Cordial
“FREEDOM from FEAR: How to stop letting old fears control us so that we can lead our best life.”
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